
Social work student Mark Godwin volunteered as a team leader for the Telluride Music Festival Camping Expedition. On that trip, the Nostalgia Team ventured into the Rockies for a week of camping, white water rafting and listening to some great music performances. Now a fully licensed Master of Social Work, Mark recently returned to Colorado to lead a team of Nostalgia’s participants on a skiing expedition to A-Basin.

This was an especially rewarding trip for Mark and many of the trip’s participants who had bonded a few years earlier on their week long adventure to Telluride. On that trip, Mark had mentored a younger Nostalgia participant, team member Alan (the “Cool Man”), who now graciously offered Mark his home as a temporary stay over on the way to and from the mountain. Besides skiing some excellent runs together at the Basin, Alan and Mark took their laptops to Starbucks one Denver afternoon, as well as catching a movie in Denver. When Alan was asked what he thought of his latest adventures, he casually replied “I don’t mind” which is his ‘cool’ way of saying, he liked them.

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